US Type
expansion joints

US Type
expansion joints

US Type <br/>expansion joints
Item Description
1 Loose / swivel flange
2 Bellows
3 Internal liner (fixed)
4 Internal liner (loose)

US Type
expansion joints


  • US type expansion joints are used in flue gas (exhaust) systems.
  • For general applications with low pressure and high temperature.
  • Designed for small vibrations and relatively large axial and lateral movements.


  • Highly customizable design: Bellows geometry, material options and combinations
  • Multiply bellows with low spring rate and high cycle life

With loose / swivel flange connection:
  • Easy installation, flanges can be rotated
  • Flanges are not in contact with medium, which enables lower grade material
  • Connection with non weldable materials possible
  • Galvanic surfaces/ coatings possible
  • Gaskets can often be eliminated

Operating range

Diameter: DN 40 ... 5,000 (1.5" ... 200”)
Temperature: ... 900 °C (1,652 °F)
Pressure: max. 3.5 barg (50 PSIG)


  • Weld ends: 1.0038 - S235JRG2; 1.0425 - P265GH; 1.0254 - P235TR1; 1.0345 - P235GH; 1.5415 (16Mo3) ; 1.4404 (AISI 316L); 1.4436 (AISI 316)
  • Bellows: 1.4541 (AISI 321); 1.4301 (AISI 304); 1.4306 (AISI 304L); 1.4401 (AISI 316); 1.4436 (AISI 316); 1.4404 (AISI 316L); 1.4435 (AISI 316L); 1.4571 (AISI 316Ti); 1.4828 (AISI 309)
  • Flanges: 1.0038 - S235JRG2; 1.0425 - P265GH; 1.0315 - P235G2TH; 1.0254 (P235TR1); 1.0425 - P265GH; 1.5415 - 16Mo3; 1.4404 (AISI 316L); 1.4436 (AISI 316)

Other materials are available on request.

Standards and approvals

Design codes and options:
EJMA 9, EN 14917, EN 13480, EN13445-3, ASME B31.3

NDT and documentation:
Can be provided per customer request e.g. Material Certificates and NDT test reports.

Product variants

US1: Single expansion joints

Expansion joints can be designed with one or two bellows depending on requirements for e.g., movements.
US2: Universal external joints
Expansion joints can be designed with one or two bellows depending on requirements for e.g., movements.

Similar products

AN Type expansion joints

  • Tied custom metal expansion joints for general pressure applications.
  • Designed for, and cover the mid temperature and pressure range for general process equipment.
  • Mainly for angular movements.
  • Tied metal expansion joints retain pressure thrust developed by internal pressure, through the use of hardware.

AX Type expansion joints

  • Untied custom metal expansion joints for general pressure applications.
  • Designed to cover the mid temperature and pressure range for general process equipment.
  • Mainly intended for axial movements.
  • Multiply bellows with low spring rate and high cycle life.

CB Clamshell metal expansion joints

  • Bellows or expansion joints split into longitudinal segments for installation without opening pipework.
  • Temporary repair solution for damaged expansion joints.
  • Can handle axial, lateral and angular movements.
  • The permissible combination and magnitude of movements depends on the application and the existing expansion joint that is to be repaired.

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